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Six (6) kids from Yarra paired with (6) pro chefs, creating a menu of full tilt culinary rebelion. 

A sense of bubbling curiosity and enlivened creativity is at the heart of any good cook. This book (and the process of making it) hopes to stoke the stoves of young creative cooks; showing them that hospitality is an interesting career pathway and an incredible outlet for creativity.

Through an open submission from our community and a hosted recipe development day with some of Australia’s best chefs, it aims to harness professional fun. We hope you enjoy it, with limitless regard for the brilliance of young people. And the power they yield with ideas and a wooden spoon.

Created with in full with support from Long Prawn, Hope St Radio and Yarra Youth Services. 
The Belly Carries the Feet (3): Youth of Yarra Cookbook
Publisher: Long Prawn with Hope St Radio 
City: Melbourne, Australia
Year: 2023
Pages: XX pp.
Dimensions: 298 x 85mm
Cover: Paperback
Binding: Staple bound
Process: Offset printed
Color: Color
Edition size: 300

Price: $12.95 AUD

All proceeds of this book will be given 100% to the kids and or Yarra Youth Services. 

Friday May 27 2022